Our verse for week 24 is back in the book of Proverbs. I find myself reading Proverbs often because I’m seeking WISDOM! It even says in the beginning of Proverbs that the book is for gaining instruction and wisdom! “Let the wise listen and add to their learning.” That is what I want; to add to my understanding of God and his words. Wisdom brings peace to drive out the chaos; the chaos of our day to day, of our decisions, or our minds sometimes. Wisdom comes from His words. Proverbs 30:5 says, “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.” I love the word flawless. It’s something so many are seeking, yet it is unattainable. How comforting is it to know we can immerse ourselves in God’s FLAWLESS word? In Him, we are made to be exactly who he wants us to be. His words are perfect the way they are. Nothing else is needed and nothing needs to be taken away.
Keep reading in verse 6 where it says “Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.” WOW. I see this happening often and it probably happens more than we even realize! (The devil is sneaky like that.). It is good to remember that His words are flawless. The more you read and study His word, the more you will be able to recognize when others are adding messages that are false. Also take comfort knowing that when you seek the Lord and take refuge in Him that he will shield and protect you. Refuge means to be safe or sheltered from being pursued or from trouble. I love this image of being shielded by Him. This idea of being safe to slow down, be myself, to be free of all expectations, and to just rest. He provides a safe place for all of us. He is a place to slow down, to be comforted, and to gain wisdom.
May we all find time to sit at His feet and listen.
To gain wisdom from his words and that during that time find ourselves a little less chaotic.
I hope your week 24 is an amazing one!
Step outside this week and enjoy the gift of sunshine!
As always, feel free to message me with any prayer requests.