People that know me well know I don’t lack passion. Bringing awareness and educating people in the area of domestic violence is a passion of mine. I can’t claim to be an expert, but as a survivor I understand the internal battle of the heart and mind of those caught in the cycle of abuse. Resources and education are essential.
My mission for including this section as part of my website is to provide resources, tools and share a raw perspective of the personal challenges I faced and what helped me through the storm.
God allowed me to tread very deep dangerous waters because
- He knows I can swim
- Because He knows it is making me stronger
- Because He has a plan to use my pain to grow His kingdom and help others through my experience.
👉🏻Domestic violence has ZERO prejudice. It is in EVERY race, socio economic background, neighborhood, tax bracket, education level… IT IS EVERYWHERE. Domestic violence isn’t a political issue, it’s a human rights issue, and it’s more common than you think.
Below are a few resources that are helpful. As time passes I will explain the best ways to use and learn from these.