Hey there !
Thanks so much for signing up for my free Kid’s Chore Chart! I’m pumped you’re getting this and your kids will be too!
Teaching our kids to be responsible and mindful with money doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. This free printable has helped my boys visually set goals, save money and learn to earn it! Can I get an “AMEN?!” I’m a HUGE FAN of my children asking to help with laundry, walk the dog and clean up toys! This tool gives me a place to direct them when they ask for a toy or beg for a trip to the trampoline park. My Degree in Child Development and time as the Director of a Child Development Center for 11 years, really helped me grasp the needs of children and the struggles parents have. However, NOTHING truly prepared me for Mom Life like raising my own boys! Now, I am passionate about teaching my kids what I have learned in a lifetime of personal growth, financial education and honestly, a bad decision or two! That’s why I developed the Chore Chart and thought it might help you as well!
Thank you so much for joining my email list! I have a LOT more tools and resources coming for you and look forward to sharing soon!