Remember how last week I talked about how we are the average of the 5 people we hang out with the most? Spending time with God, getting to know Him, and spachaving a personal relationship with Him really brings up that group average! However, we also need to be intentional when it comes to surrounding ourselves with high quality friends. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Who are the 5 people that I spend the most time with? Are they a reflection of who I want to be?
Another thing to reflect on is: Am I a friend that sharpens the people around me?
I pray often that my boys will be given the gift of discernment. I want them to choose their friends WISELY. I also want them to look to God for guidance in their friendships and future relationships.
This week, I want to challenge you to pray for God to surround you with the people that will sharpen you. Pray that He will give you wisdom to create boundaries with those that corrupt good character. I’m sure you’re a fantastic friend, but this is also a great time to take a look at what you can do to be the kind of friend God wants you to be! Take the time to pray with and for your friends!
Know you are loved,