This week, I’d like the chance to redefine the word “salty.” For many of us, salty simply means over seasoned food, but in the last few years the term “salty” has taken on a new meaning. The Urban dictionary defines salty as “the act of being upset, angry or bitter.” My 9 year old actually used the word salty to describe his brother a few days ago. (Not my proudest mom moment.)
“SALT” has been on my mind often since my recent retreat to Hot Springs where I had the opportunity to really focus on what God was trying to reveal to me. I specifically wanted Him to help me focus and get a vision for my calling in life. Guess what words God kept bringing to mind? Salt. Salty.
At first, I was like…. surely God’s not calling me to be upset, bitter, and angry! Those are the EXACT things I’ve been working on NOT doing! Then I took a deep dive into what the Bible has to say about salt.
In ancient times, salt was vital. Salt was a mineral that had medicinal purposes as a natural antiseptic for cleaning wounds and killing bacteria. Salt was also used to preserve food, especially in hot climates, where food spoils quickly, and for flavor as it is today.
In Scripture, Jesus warns his disciples about losing their saltiness. The salt used in that time would have come from the shores of the Dead Sea. There were impure salt deposits that formed a substance which resembled real salt, but didn’t have any of its properties or benefits. As time went by, the true salt would dissolve, leaving behind a useless residue.
It’s SUPER disappointing to have something with the appearance of salt but none of its usefulness. This is why Jesus wants us to maintain our own “salty” identity in Him, so that we can impact the world. This means having a relationship with Him and following His commandments and sharing our own story with others. It’s not enough to call yourself a follower of Christ. ACTION is required. Don’t just appear to be a follower of Christ. That is disappointing and useless. Be authentic and true in your relationship with Christ and others.
You are called to add flavor to those around you. Your salt helps take away the impact of evil and makes the world a better place.
Heal those around you that are hurting.
Take action, share your story, and be SALTY, my friend.