Hey !
So… this Corona Virus wasn’t exactly on my 2020 Vision Board. My guess is, it wasn’t on yours either! The funny thing about motherhood is that things rarely go exactly the way we expect them to. Something I’ve learned is that my best days are SCHEDULED! If I’m not careful, March will fly by and I will discover my boys have mastered Fortnite, watched an embarrassing amount of some kid named Ryan open toys on YouTube and I will feel major mom guilt for not using this precious time with them wisely. (Seriously this time is such a gift!)
Children’s behavior is always better when they have a routine. This is true for adults too!
I’ve done life without a schedule and routine and now that I have one, it’s truly given me freedom. Your schedule might look totally different than ours, and that’s OK! I’m giving you our “COVID-19” schedule just in case you’d like to use some of our ideas, and a blank one if you’d like to customize one for your kids!
I hope this has been helpful! Keep an eye on my social media stories and posts for all the topics we learn about over the next few weeks! And message me anytime with your ideas!
Here are a few websites that might come in handy!!
Math: play.prodigygame.com & www.khanacademy.org
Reading: www.squigglepark.com & www.storylineonline.net
Science: mysterydoug.com & kids.nationalgeographic.com
Writing: www.typingclub.com
Social Studies: www.historyforkids.net
Also… let’s be real. You don’t need to make a colorful schedule to be successful! Regular pen and paper will work! Just make sure you hang it where everyone can see it so you’re all on the same page.