2020 was a hard year for EVERYONE. I could write my sad 2020 story for you, but I bet you already have your own and don’t need another one! Closing out the year and starting a new one always has me setting new goals, organizing my thoughts, analyzing areas where I need improvement… you know, figuring out ALL THE THINGS. I normally have a very LONG list of personal development books I plan to read, along with many other ambitious to-do lists. As I look over at my bookshelves full of HUNDREDS of personal development books I think about the THOUSANDS of hours I’ve spent reading them, plus listening to self-development podcasts and audio books. THEN putting the tips into practice so that I could live my BEST LIFE…Somewhere in the middle of my sad 2020 story I had a MASSIVE WAKE-UP CALL. (ok, it was definitely the Holy Spirit.) I asked myself… “How much time have I spent in GOD’S word? How much time did I put into practice the tips God has given me in the Bible to live the life He gave me?!” YIKES. Not nearly as much as I should/could have! So for the first time in 6 years I only have ONE personal development book on my reading list. (Ok, 66 books if you want to get technical about it.)
The BIBLE. Not only am I going to dedicate time to reading it, I’m going to dedicate time to memorizing it. And I want to invite YOU on the journey with me.
Don’t panic. I’m NOT good at memorizing things. In fact, I’m terrible at it. BUT, there are a few things I say over and over that I learned through personal development like…
• What you focus on expands.
• How you do anything is how you do everything.
• Fear is a liar.
• The comeback is always stronger than the setback.
• Do one thing everyday that scares you.
I say these things ALL THE TIME. Why? Because I have read them over and over. I have studied them, worked on them and put them into practice. They are good, healthy things to have in my life, but how much more is God’s word?! So EVERY WEEK, I am going to focus on a different Bible verse. They will not be long, overwhelming things to memorize, but important things to have written on our hearts to help us live a life more like Christ. By the end of the year we will have 52 Bible verses written on our hearts! AND IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO JUMP IN AND START! Keep your eyes open for a new verse every Sunday. I will post a scripture card you can print and/or a photo you can save to your phone as your screen saver. (So each time you grab your phone you can be reminded of the verse of the week!)