Our mission as moms is to raise Disciples of Christ, right? Between school activities, sports, providing 638,193 snacks a day, laundry, Fortnite, and reminding my boys to use soap under their armpits I enter the world of overwhelm. When was the last time I cooked my kid a vegetable and made them eat it? Should I feel guilty I can’t remember?! I love the saying “Parenthood is the scariest hood I’ve ever been through.” #truth
Navigating life as a single mom means I need SIMPLE in my life. I do NOT have this parenting thing figured out. This space is where I share what works for me and my epic mom fail moments so hopefully you can learn from my mistakes. Hopefully these tips, tools and real life thoughts will help you go through this “hood” and minimize your overwhelm.
Tip #1 Pray.
“God, I have no idea what I’m doing. Give me the wisdom, awareness and skills I need to raise my children to be your disciples. Please fill in all the gaps that I’m missing. Walk with me and guide me as I do my best to be a living example my children can learn from. -Amen”