This year in Texas something CRAZY happened. SNOW!! It reminded me of the 3 years that I lived in Wisconsin. I had gotten pretty used to snow and cold temperatures. Winter would cover EVERYTHING with a blanket of white snow. When Spring would arrive, it was like the slate had been wiped clean. I always felt like God was giving Wisconsinites a reward for enduring the long winter with the gift of perfect summers. I LOVED Wisconsin summers!! Their grass is greener, their flowers bloom beautifully, and the heat doesn’t scorch anything brown.
I’m a big fan of FRESH STARTS. I love Mondays, new months, and new SEASONS.
Our lives have seasons. Some are long and hard, others feel like rewards for enduring the hard seasons. I don’t know what season you are in right now, but I do know God is walking with you every step of the way.
I really want to encourage you to read ALL of Ecclesiastes Chapter 3. Memorize as much as you can! (I will be listening to it on audio every morning this week!) Verse 22 reminds us how important it is to enjoy our current work. This might be a very difficult season, or it might feel like perfect Spring weather. We don’t have control over the season. We DO have control over how we respond, what we choose to learn in this season, and how we praise and worship Him where we are RIGHT NOW.
Know you are loved,