Can you believe we are already at week 13 in 2021!?
When you see this week’s verse you might feel like I’m tricking you… because it’s an entire chapter. 😳
Hear me out. You possibly have memorized Psalm 23. If you haven’t, you will be so glad to have this written on your heart. This verse is my go-to daily meditation. It’s comforting, honest, uplifting, and relevant EVERYDAY.
If you feel overwhelmed memorizing the entire chapter, then I encourage you to pick the verse that speaks to you the most and memorize that one!
In addition to the Notecard printable and Phone Screen you will also find the Week 9-12 Review Sheet AND a Psalm 23 Picture Printable you can use to help your child memorize this chapter. It actually might help YOU memorize it as well! 😉 See my video above to learn how I used picture cues to help MANY 3-4 year olds memorize this entire chapter! It can be done!
Know you’re loved,