Week 19’s verse is easier said than done. (Like so many things in life!)
How often are we quick to judge, disapprove of, and feel resentment towards others that have wronged us? At the same time, how often do you feel judged? How often do you make a decision to do or NOT do something simply because of what others would think of you? Living like this is what I like to call: fear-based living. In my video this week, I get VERY REAL and confess some very hard truths about my life. Why? Because God has called me to be very open and real about my story, so that others might find the same freedom in Christ’s forgiveness that I have.
Personally, I’m very well practiced at forgiving others. In fact, I think it might be one of my best qualities. HOWEVER, forgiving myself is a whole different story. My guess is, if you take time to think about it, you struggle forgiving yourself as well. Forgiveness has nothing to do with the other person and EVERYTHING to do with YOU and your heart.
This week as we memorize Luke 6:37, let’s pray for God to open our eyes to areas we are unknowingly judging, disapproving, and resenting others and ourselves. God will give us insight and wisdom to make the changes we need to make and this will ultimately bring us closer to Him.