As we learned last week, hope is not a wish, but rather trust and anticipation for what God has in store. And hope is particularly important when we encounter inevitable challenges and difficult circumstances along our journey. This week I want to invite you to see hope as a gift along your journey.
Hope has the ability to transform us. It transcends our circumstances and helps us embrace the things God is trying to teach us. Maybe what you’re going through is designed to strip you of what you’ve put your hope in so that you can be redirected to put your hope in God. Hope in God leads us to joy! Joy = an overwhelming sense of well-being.
So as you encounter difficult seasons ask yourself… “What can I learn from this? What is God teaching me in this moment?”
Hebrews 11:1 says “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
We can’t see the whole picture. Our journey slowly puts the puzzle pieces together, and when our hope is in God we are given the gift of assurance even though we can’t see the whole picture.
The more hope we put in God, the stronger our faith grows. Teaching others and setting an example of hope also helps us show others how to grow their faith! That’s exactly what I want to do for my children and the people God has placed in my life! I challenge you to practice the same, and ask you hold me accountable.
Know you are loved,