I was scrolling reels on Insta the other day and saw a caption that said… “Quotes you think are in the Bible but are lies.” I was shocked to see that most of the quotes listed I KNEW were not in the Bible except for this one… “Perhaps this is the moment for which you were created.” Hummmm. That’s weird. It’s so so similar to Esther 4:14! Turns out, the creator of the Reel had a page full of false information. YIKES!
This was such a good reminder to me on the importance of reading God’s word and studying it myself vs just listening to what others say. In today’s world, it’s easy to listen to a Podcast or YouTube video but takes intentional dedication and discipline to read and study the word for ourselves.
The story of Esther is pretty incredible. It’s also a super easy and interesting listen on the Bible App! (I challenge you to listen to the book of Esther this week! Listening at 1.5 speed means it only takes 30 mins to listen to the entire story!)
God knew exactly what he was doing when he created you. The place, time, people, and challenges you face are not by mistake. God created you for this moment, this place, and these people. He will equip and provide you with all you need to fulfill His purpose. Check out my Week 41 Video for more of my thoughts on this verse!
Thursday, October 14th I have time set aside to pray over you and any specific prayer request. Send me a note and let me know how I can pray for you!
Know you are loved,