Take a quick second to think back to a time in your life when things felt heavy. Maybe you experienced loss, betrail, financial hardship, a traumatic event, or overwhelming stress. Did anyone in your life sit with you in your grief or stress? They probably couldn’t fix the problem but in being there for you they made the burden just a little lighter or more bearable. In doing this they didn’t make you feel like you were carrying the weight alone. When I read…. “Carry each other’s burdens” in Galatians 6:2, it immediately made me think about the Brené Brown video on Empathy.
God created us for connection. Although we can’t always solve others problems or fix someone’s pain, sorrow, or circumstances, we can help lighten the load of their burdens by showing empathy. This means we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and that’s were true connection happens.
As we look towards 2022 how can we fulfill the law of Christ? How can we love our neighbor as ourselves? We can go to the uncomfortable place of vulnerability and empathy. We can help carry the burden by connecting as God created us to. (The devil has a tricky way of making this extra uncomfortable for us so that we avoid it. He knows the power God’s people have when they connect and do as God commands.)
What a blessing we can be as a body of believers if we can help carry the burdens of others. My prayer for you this week is that God shows you opportunities where you can connect and help carry another’s burdens. Feel free to reach out if you have any prayer requests for me.
Know you are loved,