My week in Texas has been quite interesting! Snow, cold temperatures, no electricity, and no cell service! Our family turned this into an adventure! Camping in the family room with a tent and sleeping bags and playing board games and charades by candlelight! I hope this email finds you all safe, warm, and with electricity and running water!
This week, we are going to finish up February with our hearts focused on working for the Lord. A MUCH needed reminder as I look at the piles of laundry and dishes that couldn’t be done with limited water and no electricity. Laundry, cleaning, and cooking in my own home have never felt like kingdom work to me. In fact, I confess that I often feel more like my children’s maid versus a mother serving God. I’m not sure what your daily work looks like, but our verse this week in Colossians reminds us, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”
We can serve the Lord by making sure everything we do is done to the best of our ability! That’s why boundaries are so important… but that’s a different verse for a different week! 😂
This week, I want to challenge you to look at your daily work and tasks and consciously shift your heart to one of service to God! He’s asked us to do our very best in all that we do. This radically changes how I feel about housework and that long list of things I’m avoiding and resisting. This might even change how you view your daily job or tasks you previously disliked. Whatever task God has given you, use your talent, influence, relationships, abilities, and opportunities to praise Him through your hard work WITH ALL YOUR HEART.
And on that note… I’m off to do some laundry! 🥰
Know you are loved,